Dicas de Ruby e/ou Rails

Executando um script em ruby

Para se executar um script em ruby, podemos fazer:

bundle exec rails runner "eval(File.read 'arquivo.rb')"

Analisando logs de ambientes

gem install request-log-analyzer

request-log-analyzer -f rails3 --output html --file report.html production.log


Running Rspec tests automatically

With the use of the guard-rspec gem and the help of this StackOverflow question we configured the use of guard, to watch for modifications to our files and run rspec when something changes.

To use guard, simply run bundle exec guard inside the container, in the /app directory, and be happy!

Discovering the version of a gem while debugging

puts Gem.loaded_specs["activesupport"].version

Help from rubygems - How do you check the Gem Version in Ruby at Runtime? - Stack Overflow