How to debug using Delve inside NeoVim

This is a simple explanation on how to use delve inside NeoVim using vim-delve.

On NeoVim, add a breakpoint with :DlvAddBreakpoint and run :DlvDebug or :DlvTest.

To run a single test one can use :DlvTest -- RegexpWithTestName

Then run Delve commands as normal.

Passing command line parameters

Everything after :DlvDebug -- is the same as if the command was invoked on the command line.

:DlvDebug -- aws --resource-type iam --exclude-region global

How to run a single test

At your terminal use go test -run RegexpWithTestName <path where the tests are>. Example:

go test -v -run Test.\*Iam ./aws

Debugging single test on the command line

On your code add runtime.Breakpoint() (importing "runtime") where you want to add a breakpoint, then:

dlv test ./path -- Test.\*Iam
